Friday 7 May 2010

Shamama- recycle section

Hey Guys!
Just a quick update..

I've completed all of my section (the information, fun facts, quiz and the game), but i have yet to still do the voice over..

I have put some print screens for you guys to see each section. Let me know what you think.

This is the 'introduction/info' section.
I thought instead of just putting the information in a plain text box, i would put it in a circle and the text fades in and out.

To maintain the child's focus, i added a simple motion tween showing how a coke and a newspaper can be placed in the recycle bins!

This is the fun facts. Again i have kept one fact per box and then after approx 7 seconds, it changes to another fact. Also i had the text having alternative colours, so one fact will be red and the following would be in black. This is in hope that it maintains the child's attention.

This is the quiz! There are 5 questions with two possible answers. If the child gets it wrong, then the following message comes up allowing the child to re- attempt the question. The child also recieves scores for the number of questions they got right.

I have implemented the changes which i said I would do to the game in a previous blog post. I have extended the time to 20 seconds, changed the scoreboard circles, changed colour schemes etc.


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