Saturday 15 May 2010

Animated Cursor

Whilst working on the project, I came across the following website :

It showed tutorials of how to make a animated cursor. I have included a print screen of what one of the animation looks like.

At first, i was not very keen including this in our project, simply because from my own experience, i have found such animation quite annoying. However, after some thought, I felt that our target audience would actually like it as it is something different to look at.

I decided not to add a moving animation but to to simply have the 'recycle' logo as a cursor.

Below is a print screen of the final one that i created. I have included this cursor in all the sections apart from the game. Reasons for why i have not included in the game section is because i did not want the cursor to drift the target audience's attention from the actual task of completing the game.


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