Sunday, 16 May 2010
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Animated Cursor
It showed tutorials of how to make a animated cursor. I have included a print screen of what one of the animation looks like.

At first, i was not very keen including this in our project, simply because from my own experience, i have found such animation quite annoying. However, after some thought, I felt that our target audience would actually like it as it is something different to look at.
I decided not to add a moving animation but to to simply have the 'recycle' logo as a cursor.
Below is a print screen of the final one that i created. I have included this cursor in all the sections apart from the game. Reasons for why i have not included in the game section is because i did not want the cursor to drift the target audience's attention from the actual task of completing the game.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
class presentation

Once we did the presentation we showed the following:
- The main interface was shown complete with the interactive button.
- I showed my complete 'recycle' section. (without any audio) I went through the information part, the quiz, the fun facts and finally I ended up with the game.
- Duke showed some images that he came up with.
Overall the presentation went fairly well. We were able to show some work that we had completed and give an idea to the class what our e-learning aim is.
Problems that we encountered doing the presentation were that since our chosen font: 'Two turtle doves' was not installed into the uni computers, once we attempted to upload the working files, the computer use an alternative font. A suggestion made by Maria, was that to convert the texts as a movie clip so to avoid this problem. This is something which we will have to implement in the final days that we have left.
Also in Lie's section. Since her chosen music is very short. It does not play seamlessly. A suggesstion made by a fellow student was to apply an action script to the video.
- Complete the voice over
- Add the background music
Sunday, 9 May 2010
target audience- recycle section feedback
I showed them possible music which i uploaded and asked them which one they liked the best.
Findings that came through were:
Recycle section
- Since i had not uploaded the voiceover, from my observation, i felt that the whole experience was not very exicting despite having a game and quiz. It made reading the text quite 'boring' and not very exicting. There definitity needs to be someone talking to the children whilst they explore the section.
- They liked the quiz and the game alot! :)
- I asked them about which music they liked the best (out of the possible ones i had) and the second one, all of them chose!
- Whilst browsing through our blog, i asked them which certificate they liked the best and Duke, the first one was popular! Sanjay and Badal both said that they liked it the best out of all of them and Pallavi liked the third one.
- I asked them what they thought about the R characters, and all of them liked them. They seemed to like the re-use one and the reduce one over the recycle one. :)
Friday, 7 May 2010
Shamama- recycle section
Just a quick update..
I've completed all of my section (the information, fun facts, quiz and the game), but i have yet to still do the voice over..
I have put some print screens for you guys to see each section. Let me know what you think.
I thought instead of just putting the information in a plain text box, i would put it in a circle and the text fades in and out.

To maintain the child's focus, i added a simple motion tween showing how a coke and a newspaper can be placed in the recycle bins!

This is the fun facts. Again i have kept one fact per box and then after approx 7 seconds, it changes to another fact. Also i had the text having alternative colours, so one fact will be red and the following would be in black. This is in hope that it maintains the child's attention.

This is the quiz! There are 5 questions with two possible answers. If the child gets it wrong, then the following message comes up allowing the child to re- attempt the question. The child also recieves scores for the number of questions they got right.

I have implemented the changes which i said I would do to the game in a previous blog post. I have extended the time to 20 seconds, changed the scoreboard circles, changed colour schemes etc.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
possible music?
Let me know which one you like the best.
I personally like all of them expect the third one!
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Let me know what you think guys, which one would you like to use and what alterations should I make?

Friday, 23 April 2010
Drape suggestions for 'R logos'
IF you can do them this way, then it will be great ( i really do think having the Rs as superheroes is a good idea!)
But if you can't then its fine and we'll just leave them as they are..