Thursday, 22 April 2010

feedback on game and changes needed

Changes that will appear in the game!!

After running some initial tests in the 'recycle game' and testing them on the three children which my sister tutors..i found the following problems:

1) Each time the child played the game, they skipped the instruction part and went straight to the play button. As they did not read the instructions, they did not know what the do once the game has started!!
I then had to tell them to read the instructions first..
To change this, what i will do is in instead of having a 'start button' and 'instructions button' i will simply just have a 'read instructions button'. This will ensure the user HAS to read the instructions before playing the game.

2) I found that the time limit did not give enough time. Although initially i thought that by making it hard, it would be an incentive for the children to play again and try and get a better score. But i think i 10 seconds is too quick!!
To solve this, i will simple extend the timer and give 15 seconds or maybe even 20 seconds!

3) I also found there to be confusion about the scoring board. The children could not work out how much they had actually scored. I had to them what they scored.
I was thinking in order to change this, i will have white circles in the scoring board and once the user correctly places an item in the correct box, then each circle will get coloured in.
Once the timer runs out..i will have perhaps the following 'Count the number of coloured circles you correcty got scored'.
This way will hopefully correct any confusion about scoring board.

I will aim to implement these changes to the game by next lesson!


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