Monday 1 March 2010

Shamama- Recycle Now

I have been researching many different websites on recycling and being green. I have been particularly looking at the interactive aspect of the website and how successful it is. I have also been paying attention to the animations they have used and generally anything what would be useful for us.The website which i looked at was:

  • This website is highly interactive with lots of images and links to keep the user entertained as well as informing them of the issue.
  • The website provides lots of tips and ways to be green.
  • The layout of the website is set out well and in an appealing manner.
  • There are lots of opportunties for the user to participate within the website. i.e.- watch videos about how everyday objects are recycled.

This website will be very useful and one which we can constantly refer back to. There are many different apects of the website which would be of use to us in the E-learning project.

Below is one of the many different animation videos which is present in the website. It shows the process of recycling using animation. This is a good way of teaching children the different steps in recycling and teach them the process through visual means.

We can either use the same videos or create one ourselves.


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