As mentioned before in previous posts, in the initial and final sequences of the project i.e. the main page etc there will be animated icons of an energy saving lightbulb, a recycling bin and the earth. These will all be featured infront of a outer space background, using tutorials found on YouTube, this background can be easily created.
Also as part of the interactive feature of the mentioned characters, everytime you hover over any of them they will say something relevant to what they represent. For e.g. each time you hover over the recycling bin the character will move and a voice will come up saying something like "click here to learn how to recycle the fun way". This is designed to keep our target audience engaged and entertained. Through research this tutorial was found on how to create a rollover button which is what these animations essentially are.
Monday, 29 March 2010
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Animation Sequence at the beginning pt 2
As Lie mentioned in a previous post there will be an animation sequence at the beginning with several arctic animals on a small piece of ice to highlight to children the effects of global warming. The animals can either be animated or we could use real pictures of them in this segment. Further research needs to be conducted in order to see what would be most appealing and effective. Here are already existing examples of animated and real life pictures...
Character Development
Each member of our group has been assigned with a particular segment that we are responsible for. I am responsible for the beginning and ending sequences and I have begun to create original characters that we may be able to scan and incorporate into our project. Here are some examples...

These are only some of the rough sketches but the principle of these characters are based on some of the research that Shamama, Lie and I conducted. The idea is to use friendly cartoon-like looking characters which children can not only easily identify but can also be entertained by. This is a common attribute which we found present in pre-existing examples of being 'Green' for kids as some of our previous posts demonstrate. The idea to use a recycling bin, an energy saving light bulb and the globe as main characters is to stay consistent with our theme theme. We will conduct a survey in order to see the appeal of these images.

These are only some of the rough sketches but the principle of these characters are based on some of the research that Shamama, Lie and I conducted. The idea is to use friendly cartoon-like looking characters which children can not only easily identify but can also be entertained by. This is a common attribute which we found present in pre-existing examples of being 'Green' for kids as some of our previous posts demonstrate. The idea to use a recycling bin, an energy saving light bulb and the globe as main characters is to stay consistent with our theme theme. We will conduct a survey in order to see the appeal of these images.
child like fonts
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Drawings and my nieces!
I have been drawing some images in Photoshop and Illustrator which we can use in the project..As Maria said to us to involve some children so the project has a child like feel to it, i got my niece to draw me some pictures..
As she's only 3! She did not draw very well :)
Firstly I drew the outlines of the pictures and told her to colour them in. Even then, i had to tell her to stay within the lines!
I don't know whether you think any of them are any good to use?
I got her to write me 'recycle, reduce, re-use etc'. I played around in Photoshop and edited one of them. Let me know what you think...

(This is my earth logo :D)

(My Niece's earth)

(My nieces trees..i thought we could use them somewhere in the project and also maybe in the recycle game? )

(I edited this in Photoshop, it was very quickly done but let me know what you think...)
As she's only 3! She did not draw very well :)
Firstly I drew the outlines of the pictures and told her to colour them in. Even then, i had to tell her to stay within the lines!
I don't know whether you think any of them are any good to use?
I got her to write me 'recycle, reduce, re-use etc'. I played around in Photoshop and edited one of them. Let me know what you think...

(This is my earth logo :D)

(My Niece's earth)

(My nieces trees..i thought we could use them somewhere in the project and also maybe in the recycle game? )

(I edited this in Photoshop, it was very quickly done but let me know what you think...)
Friday, 5 March 2010
Animation sequence at the begining
We discussed that we would have an animation at the begin of our e-learning project showing polar bears and penguins all on one small iceberg. I was flicking through the newspapper on Wednesday and came across an article about exactly this happening. I thought this was interesting and a bit of a coincidence as it was exactly what we had discussed. I have been trying to find the article and image online but haven't had any luck yet. I will bring the article into the lecture on Monday for you guys the see though.
Art Attack and Smart
I have been researching at the 'Art attack' website and the 'Smart' website
I have been looking at the different ways they present their arts and craft makes.
Art Attack uses still images during the makes and provided instructions. Smart on the other hand provides a video for the user to watch.
I think we should use both ways..

Thursday, 4 March 2010
Arts and Craft website
Whilst researching, I came across this website.
It offers a range of different videos explaining step by step, how to create simple projects using recycled and eco-friendly products.
Below is one of their videos:
Project Proposal
Project Proposal
The subject that we have decided to base our interactive project is on Global Warming, and this will be done through the format of E-Learning. The purpose of this prototype project will be to teach young children about the consequences of global warming and the process of how to be more ‘green’ (environmentally friendly). The inspiration for our project developed from the evidently present media coverage and general consensus concerning the environment i.e. Act on Co2, the irregular weather and its destructive capabilities etc. So based on the principle that not only are the children the future, but people adopt and change habits more effectively when they are young, thus we decided to target young children. The design of our project will be tailored to the preference of our chosen target audience, which are children between the ages of 6-11. Our project will consist of various features, which will make our topic informative as well as entertaining, captivating and most importantly interactive. We will use bright and playful colours throughout the piece because we believe it will appeal to our target audience and maintain their attention. We will also include simple quizzes and interactive games, which consists of tips and facts to make learning about global warming less tedious and easier to absorb. To test the effectiveness of our idea we will conduct a small survey and analyse the qualitative information provided by our participants from the target audience. Then if necessary we will make the appropriate changes based on their response.
Project timeline
As a group, we aim to finish our pre-production by week 6 (18th March). This involves researching existing successful E-Learning projects, gathering possible inspirations and also watching tutorials, which would help us to extend our knowledge of the chosen programmes.
The production aspect of the E-Learning will begin in week 7 (15th March) and we aim to have fully completed by week 11 (26th April). In order to successfully meet this target, we have outlined specific separate deadlines, which we collectively as a group will take responsibility for. We will firstly be editing our images in Adobe Photoshop combining both our own illustrations as well as images from the Internet. We will then be bringing the images into Macromedia Flash, where we will be animating them and using them to create our interactive games/quiz.
In order to receive maximum feedback from our target audience, we plan to show our project at various stages in the E-Learning process, i.e. once we have drawn our characters.
In week 8 (22nd March), we plan on recording our ‘arts and craft’ tutorial as well as recording the voice narrator for the project.
The post-production will take place in week 11 (26th April) where we will be presenting our final prototype to a selection of our target audience. From this feedback, we will implement any changes to the project as a direct result from the feedback.
Product description
The opening sequence will be of the Earth in outer space popping up on to the screen. The user will then notice that the Earth is sad. At this point the viewer will have to interact with the programme and click on the image of the Earth, which in doing so will navigate them to a short animation clip. After this animation clip has finished the viewer will then be brought to the main menu. At the main menu there will be three different logos: The earth in the centre with a recycling logo and light bulb logo. The proposed piece will have two different sections to it, recycling and energy. In each of these sections the user will be guided through the programme by the narration of logo. The first section is about recycling. This is where the user will become familiar with the three R’s, which will be demonstrated by the use of images, sounds and video. This section will also include a drag and drop game as well as a short quiz at the end. The second section will focus on energy and information will be fed to the user using the roll over text bubble. There will be a game and quiz in this section as well but it will be featured together as a game quiz. The user may at any point return to the main menu by clicking on the logo of the Earth. Once they have successfully completed the programme they will be then be shown another short animation clip. Overall, this proposed piece requires the user to be actively engaged and interactive.
Relationship theory and practice
E-learning programmes allow the learner to be taught in motivating ways enabling them to be actively engaged throughout. This is done by interactively. In order for this to happen there must be certain elements present. Modern computer technology allows us to combine different media elements together, such as video, images, sound and animation, all of which are elements that can be found present in most E-Learning programmes. This use of multimedia allows the learners to interact with the programme. Clarke (2001) suggests “learners must be able to interact with the content by making choices and receiving feedback.” (pg. 2). We will be implementing this idea in our own e-learning programme by the use of a short quiz at the end of each section. This will test the learner’s knowledge of what they have learnt as well as reinforcing the material they may have not yet grasped.
The subject that we have decided to base our interactive project is on Global Warming, and this will be done through the format of E-Learning. The purpose of this prototype project will be to teach young children about the consequences of global warming and the process of how to be more ‘green’ (environmentally friendly). The inspiration for our project developed from the evidently present media coverage and general consensus concerning the environment i.e. Act on Co2, the irregular weather and its destructive capabilities etc. So based on the principle that not only are the children the future, but people adopt and change habits more effectively when they are young, thus we decided to target young children. The design of our project will be tailored to the preference of our chosen target audience, which are children between the ages of 6-11. Our project will consist of various features, which will make our topic informative as well as entertaining, captivating and most importantly interactive. We will use bright and playful colours throughout the piece because we believe it will appeal to our target audience and maintain their attention. We will also include simple quizzes and interactive games, which consists of tips and facts to make learning about global warming less tedious and easier to absorb. To test the effectiveness of our idea we will conduct a small survey and analyse the qualitative information provided by our participants from the target audience. Then if necessary we will make the appropriate changes based on their response.
Project timeline
As a group, we aim to finish our pre-production by week 6 (18th March). This involves researching existing successful E-Learning projects, gathering possible inspirations and also watching tutorials, which would help us to extend our knowledge of the chosen programmes.
The production aspect of the E-Learning will begin in week 7 (15th March) and we aim to have fully completed by week 11 (26th April). In order to successfully meet this target, we have outlined specific separate deadlines, which we collectively as a group will take responsibility for. We will firstly be editing our images in Adobe Photoshop combining both our own illustrations as well as images from the Internet. We will then be bringing the images into Macromedia Flash, where we will be animating them and using them to create our interactive games/quiz.
In order to receive maximum feedback from our target audience, we plan to show our project at various stages in the E-Learning process, i.e. once we have drawn our characters.
In week 8 (22nd March), we plan on recording our ‘arts and craft’ tutorial as well as recording the voice narrator for the project.
The post-production will take place in week 11 (26th April) where we will be presenting our final prototype to a selection of our target audience. From this feedback, we will implement any changes to the project as a direct result from the feedback.
Product description
The opening sequence will be of the Earth in outer space popping up on to the screen. The user will then notice that the Earth is sad. At this point the viewer will have to interact with the programme and click on the image of the Earth, which in doing so will navigate them to a short animation clip. After this animation clip has finished the viewer will then be brought to the main menu. At the main menu there will be three different logos: The earth in the centre with a recycling logo and light bulb logo. The proposed piece will have two different sections to it, recycling and energy. In each of these sections the user will be guided through the programme by the narration of logo. The first section is about recycling. This is where the user will become familiar with the three R’s, which will be demonstrated by the use of images, sounds and video. This section will also include a drag and drop game as well as a short quiz at the end. The second section will focus on energy and information will be fed to the user using the roll over text bubble. There will be a game and quiz in this section as well but it will be featured together as a game quiz. The user may at any point return to the main menu by clicking on the logo of the Earth. Once they have successfully completed the programme they will be then be shown another short animation clip. Overall, this proposed piece requires the user to be actively engaged and interactive.
Relationship theory and practice
E-learning programmes allow the learner to be taught in motivating ways enabling them to be actively engaged throughout. This is done by interactively. In order for this to happen there must be certain elements present. Modern computer technology allows us to combine different media elements together, such as video, images, sound and animation, all of which are elements that can be found present in most E-Learning programmes. This use of multimedia allows the learners to interact with the programme. Clarke (2001) suggests “learners must be able to interact with the content by making choices and receiving feedback.” (pg. 2). We will be implementing this idea in our own e-learning programme by the use of a short quiz at the end of each section. This will test the learner’s knowledge of what they have learnt as well as reinforcing the material they may have not yet grasped.
Presenting our proposal
Today, we presented our ideas to the class.
Overall, the feedback was very positive.
A suggestion made was to involve children more in designing our logos.
Although, we will try our best to contact a local school and see if this option is a possibility. A more viable option may be to get some of our young cousins or young brothers/sisters of our friends...
Overall, the feedback was very positive.
A suggestion made was to involve children more in designing our logos.
Although, we will try our best to contact a local school and see if this option is a possibility. A more viable option may be to get some of our young cousins or young brothers/sisters of our friends...
Whilst researching on the internet i came across this game

It incorporates quizzes into the game and also uses a similar approach to Mario games (where the gamer has to hit objects scoring points). In this game, once the user hits the question marks, a timed simple quiz appears.
I think this type of game would be very appropriate for our concept. The advantage of such a game would be that it is entertaining as well as informative.
I think this type of game would be very appropriate for our concept. The advantage of such a game would be that it is entertaining as well as informative.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Arts and Craft Ideas
I was taking a further look on the website and I came across the 'recycling activites and resource section'. In that section you can find instruction on how to make things like a guiter, drums or shakers by recycling and re-using products. The products on the page I feel would also appeal to our target audience. We could use these ideas in our arts and crafts section. But because our target audience is quite young I think it would be a good idea if we followed the instruction of how to make these products, make it ourselves and record it, creating a video that our young audience can easily follow.
What are your thoughts?
What are your thoughts?
Monday, 1 March 2010
Shamama- Recycle Now
I have been researching many different websites on recycling and being green. I have been particularly looking at the interactive aspect of the website and how successful it is. I have also been paying attention to the animations they have used and generally anything what would be useful for us.The website which i looked at was:


- This website is highly interactive with lots of images and links to keep the user entertained as well as informing them of the issue.
- The website provides lots of tips and ways to be green.
- The layout of the website is set out well and in an appealing manner.
- There are lots of opportunties for the user to participate within the website. i.e.- watch videos about how everyday objects are recycled.
This website will be very useful and one which we can constantly refer back to. There are many different apects of the website which would be of use to us in the E-learning project.
Below is one of the many different animation videos which is present in the website. It shows the process of recycling using animation. This is a good way of teaching children the different steps in recycling and teach them the process through visual means.
We can either use the same videos or create one ourselves.
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